I would like to share my 2 favorite Exchange Sacrifices (♖ for ♝/♞) games.
Lot of Club level player Believe they are simply rook down.Which sometimes is correct, but not all the times.
Concepts of Exchange Sacrifices.They are 2 different type of Exchange sacrifices. 1.Attacking ideas 2.Defending Ideas
Attacking Exchange sacrifce:
Garry Kasparov played Rxc3 This is an attacking Exchange Sacrifice
Major Concepts for Attacking Exchange sacrifice
- To destroy the opponent’s king shelter(as Garry did in above diagram)
- Bishop Pair(see my game with Suresh)
Defending Exchange sacrifice
My favorite player Mikhail Botvinnik played this strong defending exchange sacrifice
Major Concepts for Defending Exchange sacrifice
- To close an open file
- When it is strong pieces than our Rook
Tarun vs Suresh 1-0 The above game played against Mr. Suresh Duvvala who is leading this week ATC session was winning because I had too many pawns, the below Example is more interesting and worth investigating.

1 Can you believe that I won this exchange down dry position?
Tarun vs Akira Positional Exchange sacrifice 1-0
Lets see today’s Tragicomedy

Black to play.
Black played h6-h5 which went on to lose.
Can you find the better move for Black?

Leaving the beach, heading to Slovakia