Srikanth Malladi of Tetrasoft organised a great tournament in Hyderabad. ATC congratulates Tetrasoft and specially Srikanth for his relentless efforts in making the tournament a grand success.
The Tamil Tigers IM Saravana Krishnan, GM Deepan Chakkravarthy and GM R.R. Laxman clinched top three prizes at Marriot.

Top 3 Winners of Tetrasoft
Another Tamil Tiger in making Al Muthaiah all set for his International Master title from FIDE. He played excellent chess and secured 6th Position.

Al Muthaiah
I thank GM Practice group and Telugu Rated Group for continuous encouragement and helping budding players like me

Prize distribution at Tetrasoft
Bharath Poluri, after winning runner up at recently concluded tournament at Hyderabad, won another prize in this tournament.

Bharath Poluri
Indian Tal, International Master Ratnakaran, demonstrated his lightening speed. It is a great opportunity for Hyderabad players to witness his speed. KNR one of the famous coach of Hyderabad says, it is hard to play against IM Ratnakaran, he managed a draw by playing online with him. He also says, even GM Vishy can’t handle speed of IM Ratnakaran!

tar vs tal
IM Ratnakaran ended up 20th position.

IM Ratnakaran