AnyTimeChess Congratulates Bharath Poluri for winning last week title. ATC gaining popularity on ATC online Blitz, players all over the world liked the concept. It is a great experience for young players, to build the speed which will help in the end game when they are playing classic type of games. We Welcome Bhanilla from Srilanka started last week (first from the start in the above featured image) and Mehrad (Middle) from Iran, will be playing from this week at AnyTimeChess online Blitz.
The final standings as below:

Final Standings Week ending on 10th June
Some players took the pass and not using full 4 weeks, we care for the players and don’t want them to loose any money. To benefit the players, we are issuing pass per number of games, instead of 4 weeks. So, players can use the number of games any time they wish. Now Rs 1000 a pass will give 300 games.
Bharath Poluri hailing from a rural village at Nalgonda, enjoying the chess and earning bit of money by playing ATC online, by doing so, Bharath also helping budding players to improve their skills. If Bharath can do, why can’t other players, if not prize money, you can improve your chess skills by playing against Bharath.