All Things about Chess

India Iran bilateral relations

Iranian President

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani visits Hyderabad and offered prayers at 17th Century Mosque – the pride of Hyderabad – Makkah Masjid. While Iranian President is spreading the message of love and affection in Hyderabad, Indian-origin Irish kids Tarun and Trisha are spreading the message of sportsman spirit in Iran. It is more than a mere coincidence. Its about strengthening centuries-old ties between India and Iran.

There are many common features between India and Iran. We picked up few words which match to Indian  words, like Namak (salt). Ustaad (coach), shakar (sugar) many more like these. In chess if you ask for a draw you have to say Mosavi. Salaam for Hello, Qubi for how are you. Ek, do theen, more or less pronounced in Hindi numbering. Persian language is one of the oldest language, very much popular in middle east. The young generation speak very good english, in the next 5 years, english speaking foreigners may not have any difficulty in communication. At present, if you don’t know Farsi, you need to be a champion in Damsharas (sign language).


Tarun Trisha with Ustaad

The parents of Iranian chess players struggle hard like parents of Indian chess players. They keep encouraging the kids always. They take care of diet for their children. The interesting part I have seen here is, FIDE rating tournaments are conducting in the evenings and excpect chess players to attend the school and participate in a fide rating tournaments, we were surprised, fide rating tournaments are very common in Iran unless the GM Tournaments. Rapid and Blitz fide rating tournaments are of every day kind. CHESS is very popular sport after wrestling, ofcourse Football is followed by many.

Tournament Hall

Tournament Hall in Iran Federation

The federation building is huge. It consists of tournament halls, where three fide rating tournaments can be conducted on a single day.


Mothers of chess players

Parents of the chess players come to us and talk in detail about preparation for chess and also exchange the culture of the two nations.

Finally, the main person who is helping two countries to exchange the bilateral relations is none other then Arman Aryanejad. A young dynamic executive director of this circuit.


Karan Johar of Iran is Arman Johar