All Things about Chess

Exciting finish

World school chess championship ending in an exciting finish. I think Trisha missed wishes from few of her fans and after battling for 5 hours, she lost the game. Tarun is relieved from the pressure of medal tally, so all he can do is enjoy his rest of the games and make a respectable finish.

There were many upsets yesterday, Azerbaijan famous player Babazada Khazzar lost for the first time in this championship.

Tarun didn’t do any preparation, enjoyed all day at swimming pool at FAFA resort and his food.  He made a easy win. We are constantly posting chess related videos, games etc., on different groups in social media, if the administration of any group have objection please let us know and we can refrain further posting. We feel that the publication we do relating to chess is informative and educative for all the chess players.

At ATC Senior player Perumallu lost lot of points yesterday which is helping Vishy Kannam to hit a Hatrick this week. Perumallu sets an example, that rating points is not for preserving, infact it should help to take risk and learn the beauty of the game chess.