Congratulations to Govind Sharma ji for his outstanding performance in ATC last week session. ATC feels proud to have a Veteran player Mr. Govind Sharma.
I hope most of the senior players of Hyderabad like Mr. Amithpal Singh know about Mr. Govind Sharma very well, I hope Mr. Govind Sharma was like a Ustaad for many Hyderabad players. We are glad to have his son Mr. Chetan Sharma in the core team of ATC as a expert. Mr. Govind Sharma even at 66 age, he has the same zeal as any other young chess players has. A former national player represented at nationals nearly 15 times. He is a big fan of Bobby fischer. Mr. Govind Sharma left professional play in 1990’s. His rating is about 1600, He was a government employee but now retired. He was very good attacking player, He is known as Giant killer at his young age and many times his name was published in the news papers as Giant killer. He defeated many strong players in India at national level.
At the start of the week International Arbiter Mr. Padma rao was leading the leader board, but soon Mr. Govind Sharma played very good chess and not only surpassed other atc players ratings but reached to a height that no one can catch him in this week.

Last week Winner’s
We have two more celebrations this week.
1. We at ATC call as scientist of Chess Einstein Sibi, Winning Brilliant Trophy
2. ATC star player Winning 3rd place at Iran.
On behalf of all the ATC players we Congratulate Einstein Sibi for winning Brilliant Trophy. Sibi was active player at ATC long ago. His strength in Chess increasing day by day. He too finds, practice is the key to learn chess and he keep practicing with high quality players.
2. AIM Trisha, star player of ATC secured third place at Mashhad, Iran. She had a wonderful tournaments in Iran, got some or the other place in all the three tournaments that she played in Iran. She touched the big mile stone of ELO 2000 for the first time.

Third position at Ferdowsi Cup