Bharath made a Hat trick win. He just missed ATC record made by Nakamura of ATC Suresh Duvvala. ATC previous record is 1234 which made in March 2017. Bharath missed New ATC record by just 4 points. While making Hat trick Win, Bharat won few rating gain prizes also in the last three weeks in ATC.
ATC congratulates Y. Murali Mohan for his exceptional performance and becoming a Champion at Amedkar ITI Open Chess Tournament. Murali Mohan is a regular player at ATC, he is the only player, who played with almost all the 300 players in ATC.
Winners – Last Week
- 1. Bharath P [1224]
- 2. Tanmay Chopra [1093]
- 3. AGM Tarun [1077]
- 4. Kristoffer (Slovakia) [1068]
- 5. Chetan Sharma [1059]
- 6. AIM Trisha [1029]
- 7. Saikanth s [1004]
- 8. nisikant [1002]
- 9. Dorsa (Bosnia) [996]
Rating Gain prizes everyday becoming more interesting.
Monday 25th June Rating gain Winners
1st Prize Bharath Poluri Rs 300
2nd Prize Venugopal Rs 200
3rd Prize Chetan Sharma Rs 100
We need atleast 5 players to start the tournament, otherwise tournament will get cancelled automatically. Avito was bit disappointed when he saw the tournament got cancelled, its a request to all players, to log in irrespective whether you play or not, so that the tournament gets started. You can start login before one hour to the start of the tournament. Once the tournament get started, players can also log in if they didnt log in before the start of the tournament.
We welcome Venugopal from IICT, Hyderabad, to ATC online Blitz. He was a regular player earlier at ATC Ramnagar. We are very fortunate to have strong players like Bharath, Venugopal, Chetan Sharma, Tanmay, Tedo, Tarun, Saikath etc.,